Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chris Ware / Robert Venturi

The above image is from the Graphic novel "Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth" by Chris Ware. Ware is one of, if not the most, accomplished comic artist working today. He is a Chicago Native and the majority of his stories take place in Chicago and the surrounding area. Going through my image bank this morning I was reminded of Robert Venturi when I got to this slide. His critique/evaluation of the modern street condition is something Venturi explored throughout his career.

This is a page "Learning From Las Vegas" by Robert Venturi. this is one of the last great architectural manifestos that called for architects to be more receptive to the tastes and values of "common" people and less immodest in their erections of "heroic," self-aggrandizing monuments

While Part 1 of the book focuses on the Vegas strip, Part 2 focuses on two groups of architecture which he defines as 'The Decorated Shed" and ...

"The Duck". To Venturi these were the two ways of embodying iconography in buildings.